Using Movies to Share the Gospel
Episode SummaryAre Christians able to utilize movie narratives to share the message of the gospel? We address this question in this episode and give some examples of how we can start spiritual conversations without bullying people with the Bible.
Faith & Safe Spaces
Episode Summary: Should Christians seek out safe spaces? Or are they detrimental to our witness? In this episode, we discuss the challenges of a triggered culture and how believers should view safe spaces in light of our charge to spread the gospel message.
Speaking Truth in a Cancel Culture ❌
Episode Summary2020 has seen the Cancel Culture reach all-time highs. With people afraid to go against the mob mentality that has become so prevalent; how should believers in Christ stand for the truth of the gospel in the midst of the cancel culture? Show Notes:The challenges of culture are absolutely real, and the truth needs…
🔥🔥 No Hell? Would you Still Follow Jesus? 🔥🔥
Episode Summary If the concept of Hell did not exist. Would you still find it important to be a Christian / Follower of Jesus? (ppm3iptv) Show Notes: Imagine a reality that didn’t include the Hell that Jesus spoke about in the Scripture. In such a world would you still choose to follow Jesus and His…
When Busyness Becomes Sin (Extended Conversation)
Episode Summary Can we truly be disciples in a busy world? At what point does your busy calendar become sin? Show Notes: Can we truly be disciples in a busy world? At what point does your busy calendar become sin? Believers are faced with living in a distracted age and finding time to slow down…
Churches: Meet or Not to Meet?
Episode Summary Should the church gather in pandemic? Why should you care? Show Notes: Should churches be gathering during this pandemic, is a question that many have posed in Christian circles.There is no real consensus, and people are passionate about their arguments based on Scripture. While somechurches view the gathering restrictions as a way to…
Johnathan Issac, The NBA, Black Lives Matter (BLM), and Herd Mentality 🚑🚒 Emergency Episode 🚑🚒
Episode Summary Emergency Episode: In our polarized world, people are ready to jump to conclusions regarding how others behave in public. What does the Scripture tell us about this behavior? Show Notes: The challenges of our culture are getting more and more complicated to weed through. The shift in which people have vilified BLM then…
Seasons That Challenge Our Faith
Episode Summary We all go through tough times as believers that challenge our faith. Jay and Shawn walk throughthe Scripture in a powerful discussion that will empower you to seek God during the challenging times. Show Notes: We all go through tough times as believers that challenge our faith. Jay and Shawn walk throughthe Scripture…
Coping in an Angry World
Anger is the stuff that fools are made of. Join the discussion about how to cope with anger with a biblical worldview; in a culture that is angry about most everything.
Pilot Episode: Conviction and Sanctification
Jedadiah Baker & Shawn Weekly discuss the importance of conviction for the believer to understand that God requires them to participate in the sanctification process.
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