Using Movies to Share the Gospel
Episode SummaryAre Christians able to utilize movie narratives to share the message of the gospel? We address this question in this episode and give some examples of how we can start spiritual conversations without bullying people with the Bible.
Faith & Safe Spaces
Episode Summary: Should Christians seek out safe spaces? Or are they detrimental to our witness? In this episode, we discuss the challenges of a triggered culture and how believers should view safe spaces in light of our charge to spread the gospel message.
Speaking Truth in a Cancel Culture ❌
Episode Summary2020 has seen the Cancel Culture reach all-time highs. With people afraid to go against the mob mentality that has become so prevalent; how should believers in Christ stand for the truth of the gospel in the midst of the cancel culture? Show Notes:The challenges of culture are absolutely real, and the truth needs…
Coping in an Angry World
Anger is the stuff that fools are made of. Join the discussion about how to cope with anger with a biblical worldview; in a culture that is angry about most everything.
Pilot Episode: Conviction and Sanctification
Jedadiah Baker & Shawn Weekly discuss the importance of conviction for the believer to understand that God requires them to participate in the sanctification process.
Pilot Episode: Failing While Trying
Overcoming the fear of failure when attempting to discover the will of God for your life.
Pilot Episode: Iron Sharpening Iron
The importance of having Christian fellowship when you are walking out your faith with Jesus Christ.
Pilot Episode: Pandemic 2020
Talking about how the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has impacted the world so rapidly. What should the Christian response be?
Pilot Episode: Racial Division and Reconciliation
Discussing race and the cancel culture in 2020 is difficult because the language continues to change.
Pilot Episode: Reading Andrew Murray
Reflecting on how reading Andrew Murray would cause many Christians to shrink back from the faith.
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